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Hultgren Statement on President's Rejection of Keystone XL Pipeline

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement after the Obama administration announced that they will formally reject the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline.

"With today's disappointing decision by the Obama administration, the President has shown us that he is more concerned about getting re-elected than he is about putting Americans back to work," said Hultgren. "This decision will deny Americans 20,000 new jobs at a time when unemployment has been higher than 8 percent for 35 straight months, and will perpetuate our reliance on oil from unstable regions. Even more surprising is that just this week, President Obama's jobs council endorsed the type of energy infrastructure projects that Keystone XL pipeline represents.

"The President is running out of time to prove that he's serious about putting Americans back to work, and not just scoring points on the campaign trail. He should immediately adopt his job council's plan for expanded domestic energy production, corporate tax reform to improve American competitiveness, and regulatory reforms that are burdening our job-creators and small business owners. Better still, the President need only embrace the commonsense legislation we have already passed in the House. Many of the 27 bills awaiting Senate action would address the council’s proposals, and would help create the pro-growth environment we need to get the American economy moving again."