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Hultgren Statement on August Jobs Report

Geneva, IL – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement regarding the August unemployment report released by the U.S. Department of Labor.

“August's dismal jobs report is disappointing, but unsurprising, so long as this Administration continues to pursue its anti-jobs agenda of burdensome regulations, taxes, and out-of-control spending,” said Hultgren. “Despite his claims to be cutting red tape, the reality is that President Obama and his appointed bureaucrats are proposing even more regulations that threaten to do enormous damage to our fragile economy.”

“Before he comes to Congress next week, I urge President Obama to study the commonsense pro-growth agenda Republicans will be adopting this fall. More taxes and spending won’t get our economy moving and put Americans back to work; that requires fostering a pro-growth economic climate; lessening intrusions by unaccountable bureaucrats; and providing certainty about what Washington will do in the future.”