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Hultgren Statement On 70th Anniversary of Attack on Pearl Harbor

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement on the 70th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

"Today marks seventy years since the Day of Infamy, when the Empire of Japan attacked U.S. forces stationed at Pearl Harbor, driving the America into the Second World War," said Hultgren. "Let us pause today to remember the 2,402 killed and 1,282 injured in the attack and the more than 320,000 killed during the Second World War. These brave men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our sacred freedoms and the freedoms of millions of others throughout the world. It was their dedication and sacrifice that made them our nation’s Greatest Generation."

Rep. Hultgren is a co-sponsor to H.Con.Res. 89, a resolution expressing the sense of the Congress regarding National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.