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Hultgren Legislation Supported By National Federation of Independent Business

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement after H.R. 3068, the Regulatory Sunset and Review Act, received the support of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).  Congressman Hultgren introduced H.R. 3068 in September; the bill now has more than a dozen cosponsors.

“I am thrilled to have the NFIB’s support for my Regulatory Sunset and Review Act,” said Hultgren. “The NFIB is a leader on issues of concern to private sector job-creators; their members in my district represent the best of America’s entrepreneurial spirit and I speak with them regularly to ensure that their concerns are heard in Washington.”

“On behalf of small-business owners around the country, I thank Congressman Hultgren for his leadership on the critical issue of protecting job creators from excessive regulation,” said NFIB President and CEO Dan Danner. “This bill will help remove the most costly redundant and unnecessary regulations from the books to ensure our nation’s biggest job creators have a fair opportunity to operate and grow their business.”

“H.R. 3068 establishes a responsible process to identify, review, and, if necessary, terminate regulations that are no longer needed and serve no beneficial purpose,” said Hultgren. “Too frequently, agencies act as if their hands are tied, claiming that previously-enacted laws make it impossible for them to cut certain regulations; my bill instead requires them to report to Congress on recommended statutory changes should statutes bind them on enforcing rules they otherwise would repeal or amend, allowing us to take action and cut the red tape.”