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Hultgren Introduces Legislation Requiring Congress To Pass A Budget Or Forego Salary

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today issued the following release regarding H.R.  1454, the Congressional Pay Accountability Act, which he introduced on April 8th.

“In Washington, we’re finally wrapping up work on a budget for this year,” said Hultgren.  “We’re doing this because the last Congress never bothered to pass a budget. This is outrageous to me – and I know it’s outrageous to many of my constituents as well.

“In an effort to ensure that Congress is never so negligent again in the future, I’m pleased to have introduced the Congressional Pay Accountability Act. This simple legislation will require Congress to pass a budget and all appropriations bills – ensuring that the government is fully funded for a given fiscal year – by the beginning of that fiscal year.

“If we don’t, we simply won’t get paid. Outside of Washington, getting paid only when you do your job would sound like common sense; unfortunately, that’s not the case here.

“I look forward to discussing this important legislation with my colleagues and I hope that it comes up for a vote in the near future.”