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Hultgren Forms Friends of Sweden Caucus

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today announced the formation of the 112th Congressional Friends of Sweden Caucus whose mission is to preserve and promote the economic and cultural ties between the United States and the Kingdom of Sweden.

"In 1638, only eighteen years after the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock, a company of Swedes landed on American soil," said Hultgren. "Today, nearly four hundred years later, the United States is home to almost 14 million Americans of Swedish decent, including my family."

According to the U.S. Department of State, "Friendship and cooperation between the United States and Sweden is strong and close." As a partner in NATO’s ISAF, Sweden has long been a supporter in the promotion of global peace and freedom. Through their past efforts in Kosovo and Libya, and presently in Afghanistan, where over 500 Swedes currently serve, Sweden has been an ally and a friend.   

" Sweden is a country characterized by its strong public finances and low debt, and has thrived under its sensible free-market policies," said Hultgren. "There is also substantial investment in the United States by Swedish companies, so it is important that we work to strengthen our relationship in order to ensure future cooperation. It is my hope that the Friends of Sweden Caucus will continue to grow as we work to promote the ties between the United States and Sweden."