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Hultgren Discusses Impact Of Government Regulations With 14th District Businesses

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement after holding a conference call with local business owners to discuss Washington's impact on them, especially the effects of federal regulations.

“Today’s call was a valuable opportunity to listen to local job creators on the impact of the federal government and federal regulations on businesses,” said Hultgren. “I share the concerns of local farmers, like Rock Katschnig and Eldon Gould, about new regulations that the EPA and other Washington bureaucracies may impose upon them.

“I also share the concerns of local manufacturers not just about the regulations themselves, but also about the hyper-aggressive way in which they're enforced by unaccountable bureaucrats.”

Call participants discussed with Hultgren the broader effects of big government policies on the private sector.

“Large government breeds large business at the cost of small and medium sized businesses,” noted Joe Slawek of Geneva-based FONA International.

During the call, Hultgren brought up a bill he recently introduced, H.R. 3068, the Regulatory Sunset and Review Act of 2011.

“I believe that my bill establishes a responsible process to identify, review, and, if necessary, terminate regulations that are no longer needed and serve no beneficial purpose. Too frequently, agencies act as if their hands are tied, claiming that previously-enacted laws make it impossible for them to cut certain regulations; H.R. 3068 instead requires them to report to Congress on recommended statutory changes should statutes bind them on enforcing rules they otherwise would repeal or amend, allowing us to take action and cut the red tape.” 

Local business leaders participating in the call were Eldon Gould, a farmer from Maple Park; Roger Harris of Producers Chemical; Rock Katschnig, a farmer from Prophetstown; Joe Slawek of FONA International; and Rick Tollefson of Boombah, Inc.