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Hultgren Announces State Of The Union Guest, Seating Arrangement

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today announced his seating arrangement and special guest for tomorrow night’s State of the Union address by President Barack Obama.

“I am proud to announce that during tomorrow night’s State of the Union address, I will be sitting with my friend and colleague Congressman Dan Lipinski. Although Dan and I do not share a common party affiliation, we do share much in common when it comes to working hard for our constituents and protecting the lives of unborn Americans. Congressman Lipinski is a hardworking member of the Transportation & Infrastructure, and Science, Space & Technology Committees, and he and I have worked together on several important initiatives in both committees.

“I am also proud to announce that Marine Corporal William Becker, of Sycamore, will be joining me as my guest tomorrow night. Corporal Becker has served his country honorably, doing two tours of duty in Afghanistan. He has recently completed his four year enlistment in the Marine Corps. Corporal Becker is a true American hero, and I am pleased that he’ll be with us tomorrow night.”
