10th Amendment The Weekly Top "10"

Weekly Top "10"

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Washington, Feb 10, 2011 -

“The 10”

1)    Judge Vinson’s Treatise on Federalism.  Judge Vinson’s recent ruling on Obamacare was premised on the argument that the case is, "not really about our health care system at all. It is principally about our federalist system, and it raises very important issues regarding the constitutional role of the federal government." The entire ruling is definitely worth the read.

2)    Cutting Spending to Revive Federalism.  The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards convincingly argues that the GOP needs a larger vision to guide their spending reforms.


3)    The Constitution as a Limiting Document.  In January, Roger Pilon made a compelling case in the Wall Street Journal that “Congress must acknowledge honestly that it has not kept faith with the limits the Constitution imposes.”


4)    The Ebb and Flow of States’ Rights.  Author and professor Charles Postrel argues that the passion for states’ rights has ebbed and flowed as political winds shift over time. 


5)    Federalism and Tort Reform.  A recent Politico story raises some interesting questions about federal tort reform and 10th amendment concerns.  Discussion to be continued…


6)    A Defense of the Repeal Amendment.  Ryan McDougle, the Virginia Senate Republican leader pro tempore, makes the case for the Repeal Amendment, a proposed constitutional amendment to allow two thirds of the states to repeal federal laws and regulations.  


7)    The EPA is Messing with Texas.  Texas and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency continue their battle over carbon dioxide emission rules.


8)    10th Amendment a Major Theme at 2011 Utah Legislature. 10th Amendment themes continue to pick up momentum in states throughout the country.  Example #1:  Utah.


9)    North Carolina Pushes Back Against the Feds.  State momentum Example #2: Legislative leaders in North Carolina contend “the federal government should not be dictating what we do…”


10)  Preserve Limits on Federal Power.  The Detroit News reminds us that the Constitution delegates to Congress only certain “enumerated powers” while leaving the rest to the states.  

There is a vibrant discussion throughout America today on federalism. “The 10” is a summary of 10 noteworthy federalism stories or thought-provoking commentary designed to provide people access to this discussion.  Not all items included in “The 10” are supported or endorsed by the members of the Task Force.


There is a vibrant discussion throughout America today on federalism. “The 10” is a summary of 10 noteworthy federalism stories or thought-provoking commentary designed to provide people access to this discussion.  Not all items included in “The 10” are supported or endorsed by the members of the Task Force.

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