10th Amendment The Weekly Top "10"

The "10" - 11/10/2010

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Washington, Nov 10, 2010 -

1)     Congress Begins to Take the 10th Amendment Seriously.  John Boehner, the presumptive incoming speaker of the U.S House of Representatives, is asking states for help to check the power of the federal government.

2)    The Case for the Repeal Amendment.  William Howell, the speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, makes the case for the Repeal Amendment to restore the proper balance of power between the states and federal government intended by our founders.


3)    10th Amendment Meets the Daily Show.  Texas Governor Rick Perry recently visited The Daily Show to promote his federalism-focused book, "Fed Up!".


4)    Advice from A Federalist Governor.  Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell joins other Governor’s in saying it’s “time for an honest and robust discussion about federalism.”


5)    Infidelity, Poison, and the 10th Amendment, Oh My.  The Supreme Court is considering a case with some unique circumstances that raises serious questions about federal over-criminalization.   


6)    Federalism and Education Policy.  The Heritage Foundation’s Jennifer Marshall argues the time is ripe to promote federalism in education and empower parents with school choice.  


7)    Interpreting the Election Results.  Michael Maharrey, the Tenth Amendment Center’s Communications Director, reminds us that the battle to restore “the proper balance of power between the State and federal governments” has just begun.            


8)    Should Washington Repeal State right-to-work laws?  Efforts are afoot in Washington to repeal right-to-work laws in twenty-two states. 


9)    Wolves and Government Power.  Western states are looking to reclaim the traditional state power to manage and regulate wildlife within their borders, starting with wolves.    


10)  Flashback:  In October 1987, President Reagan outlined a set of Federalist policymaking principles in Executive Order 12612.  This document continued as one of the better articulations of basic federalist principles until 1998 when it was revoked by President Clinton’s Executive Order 13083

There is a vibrant discussion throughout America today on federalism. “The 10” is a regular summary of 10 noteworthy federalism stories or thought-provoking commentary designed to provide people access to this discussion.  Not all items included in “The 10” are supported or endorsed by the members of the Task Force.



If you have an item to include in the “The 10,” please contact Cody Stewart at 202 225-8411.

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