10th Amendment The Weekly Top "10"

Weekly Top "10" - May 24, 2010

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Washington, May 24, 2010 -

"The 10"

1)   10th Amendment Task Force Website Live.  The Congressional 10th Amendment Task Force now has a website.  Please visit and be sure to sign up for regular news and updates by joining the “10th Brigade.”

2)   A Federalist Goes to Washington.  Congressman Rob Bishop (UT), shares personal stories on the history and importance of federalism in an essay for the Tenth Amendment Coalition.    

3)   10th Activity in the States.  The nationwide movement to restore basic constitutional principles continues as the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) creates a Center for Tenth Amendment Studies.

4)   Miss Oklahoma Scores a Perfect Ten.  Miss Oklahoma stands up for states’ rights, and a new frontrunner has emerged for the role of “official spokesperson” for the 10th Amendment Task Force.

5)   Federalism for All.  One of the consistent themes here at “The “10” is that Americans of all political stripes have reason to advocate for decentralized power.  Utah’s former Democratic Governor, Scott Matheson, for example, was a proud proponent of a “progressive federalism.”

6)   How to Assimilate Federalism and Immigration.  James Edwards explains how federalism and immigration issues relate to one another.

7)   Federalism is at Stake in Health Care Debate:  Virginia’s attorney general, Ken Cuccinelli, argues that the recently passed health care bill threatens to destroy our nation’s federalist system of government.

8)   Online Course on 9th and 10th Amendments.  Gary Wood has posted a web version and study guide for his seminar on the 9th and 10th Amendments.

9)   Supreme Blow to Federalism.  The News Herald believes the recent Supreme Court case, U.S. v. Comstock, stretches federal power “to the breaking point.”  

10)    Flashback:  15 years ago, Andrew Allison with the National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS) reported on that decades push to restore federalism and the 10th Amendment.   

“The 10” is a weekly summary of 10 noteworthy developments in the world of federalism and the 10th Amendment.  If you have an item you would like to include in the next “The 10” email, please contact Cody Stewart at 202-225-8411.

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