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Family Values

I believe the family represents the foundational core of any community.  Strong families tend to make for stable, prosperous communities.  Therefore, I support protecting institutions and initiatives that strengthen families and the communities they comprise:

Support for Marriage:

  • As a state senator, I cosponsored a 2008 Illinois law requiring insurance companies to cover treatment from licensed marriage therapists.
  • In the U.S. House of Representatives, I have cosponsored House Concurrent Resolution 25, which calls on the Department of Justice to continue to defend the Defense of Marriage Act.

Support for Children and Families:

  • I am a cosponsor of House Resolution 3, banning federal funds from being used for abortions.
  • I've signed a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, asking the Department of Justice to uphold existing federal obscenity laws.
  • As a state representative, I proposed the Women’s Right to Know Act, mandating that prior to getting an abortion, a physician must fully inform a woman of the nature of the abortion and prenatal services available to her.
  • As a state senator, I championed a policy that the state's role in parent-child relationships should be minimal with limited governmental interference.  

I attend Wheaton Bible Church in West Chicago with my family.  While in Washington during the week, I'm also a member of the Values Action Team, a member of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, and regularly attend the weekly Congressional Prayer Breakfast.