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Press Releases

Currently showing results related to Education

06/29/12 With Casey Support, Legislation to Prevent Doubling of Student Loan Interest Rate Passes Congress »
06/08/12 Senator Casey Releases New GAO Findings on Bullying in Schools »
05/21/12 Casey Calls for Swift Passage of Bill That Would Help Colleges and Universities Respond to Threats »
04/20/12 White House Endorses Casey’s Bipartisan Anti-Bullying Legislation »
02/27/12 Senator Casey Honors Bill Gray to Commemorate Black History Month »
02/03/12 Casey Legislation to Combat Sexual Violence on College Campuses Moves Forward in Senate »
01/19/12 Casey Unveils Bill to Match Unemployed With Skills Training for New, In-Demand Jobs »
11/18/11 Casey Makes Major Push for Congress to Adequately Fund Federal Program that Provides Critical Funding for TCMC »
10/26/11 Casey Tours Please Touch Museum, Meets with Families Affected by Autism »
10/21/11 Casey: Education Bill a Significant Step Forward »
10/20/11 Casey Statement on Putting Teachers and First Responders Back to Work »
10/20/11 Casey Cosponsored Resolution Celebrates National Day on Writing »
10/17/11 Casey Cosponsors the Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act »
10/17/11 Casey Discusses Innovation and Job Growth at Town Hall Meeting »
10/12/11 Casey and Thompson Introduce the Education for Tomorrow’s Jobs Act »

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