Contact Chellie

button email chellieIf you have any comments or questions or if there is anything I or my staff can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Directions to Maine Office

Congresswoman Pingree's Maine office is located in the Marine Trade Center building, off Commercial Street at the intersection with Center Street, and near the Portland Fish Exchange.

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We can be reached in our Portland Office at 207-774-5019. Outside the Greater Portland area, you can also call us toll free at 1-888-862-6500 or email us by clicking here.
2 Portland Fish Pier, Suite 304

Portland, ME 04101
..or at our Washington, DC Office at (202) 225-6116

1318 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Email Updates

If you would like to receive email updates from me on legislation and other important issues, please go here.

If you have a question or comment about a legislative issue, please e-mail or call at (207) -774-5019. You can also mail a note to my Washington office.

Help with a problem
If you need help with a government agency or have any other problem that you think my office can help you with, call us at (202) 225-6116, or e-mail me.

Our office offers internships to qualified college students and graduates who are interested in gaining hands-on experience in a congressional office. Full and part-time unpaid internships are offered year-round in both the district office in Portland, ME and the Washington, DC office. Learn more on our internships page.

Tour Requests
If you plan to visit Washington, D.C., and would like to request a tour, please fill out this online form.

Flag Requests
To request a flag flown over the Capitol Building, fill out a request form and mail it in.

Schedule a meeting with me
If you would like to schedule a meeting with me, contact me so we can set up an appointment.

To invite me to speak

If you would like me to speak at an event in the district, let me know the details by e-mail or by calling my office at (202) 225-6116.

Congressional Commendations
As a service to my constituents, my office can provide acknowledgement of special events. Request a Congressional commendation.

Presidential Greetings
District residents can request to receive a greeting from the President of the United States. Request a Presidential Greeting.