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ACA: Working for America

Patient Protections for Millions
of Americans


·No lifetime limit on coverage for 105 million Americans.


·Up to 17 million children with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage by insurers.


·6.6 million young adults up to age 26 have taken advantage of the law to obtain health insurance through their parents’ plan, of whom 3.1 million would be uninsured without this coverage.


·47 million women now have free coverage for comprehensive preventive services, beginning this summer.


·86 million Americans, including 32 million seniors in Medicare, have already received free preventive services.


· More than 5.5 million seniors in the ‘donut hole’ have already saved nearly $4.5 billion on their prescription drugs, an average of $600 per senior.


·4.2 million free senior Annual Wellness Visits under Medicare to date.


·The Small Business Health Care Tax Credit has already been used by 360,000 small businesses to help insure 2 million workers.


· $1.1 billion in rebates from health insurance companies this summer helped benefit nearly 13 million Americans.