Tom Price

Tom Price


Representative from Georgia's Sixth Congressional District and Chairman of the House Committee.

Washington, D.C. ·

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Ever mindful of those who lost their lives on December 7, 1941 at . God bless those who defend our freedom at home and abroad.

Congrats to my friend for being named President of . He will serve Heritage with distinction, as he has South Carolina.

We do not need a government takeover & President Obama’s higher taxes. We need patient-centered reforms.

Please share: the Obama tax increase on small businesses would fund the government for only 8 days & would kill 700,000+ jobs!

Excited to have playing in the SEC Championship game tomorrow. Very proud to have a Georgia school represented. Go Dawgs!

Path to Palestinian statehood is between Ramallah and Jerusalem – UN scoring political points only makes things worse!

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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