
Kind Statement on U.S. Attorney General Vote

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Rep. Ron Kind today supported the decision to hold U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for failing to provide information regarding the Fast and Furious gunwalking program at our southern border.  

“I have always disliked any Administration’s decision to invoke executive privilege. We need more transparency and sunshine in government - not less. 
“As a former prosecutor, I know that full disclosure of information is the surest way to get to the truth of any matter. That is why I was highly critical of President Bush’s decision to withhold information about the firing of numerous U.S. Attorneys in his Administration. Unless information involves state secrets that are important to our national security, I am highly suspicious of any Administration’s decision to withhold information from Congress and the American people. 
“Attorney General Holder has admitted to the failure and poorly conceived nature of the Fast and Furious program, which started during the Bush Administration and was known as “Operation Wide Receiver”. He has ongoing investigations moving forward at this time. Although the Attorney General has provided a significant number of documents, I fail to see any compelling reason to withhold information requested by Congress.”