U.S. Representative Sandy Adams | Representing the 24th District of Florida

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Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration

We agree that for too long our nation has done little to combat the influx of illegal immigrants into our country.  And over the last four years the congressional leaderships of both the House and Senate have only made the matter worse, failing to support our law enforcement agencies charged with protecting our borders, and have even offered plans to give amnesty to millions of people who have broken the law either coming here or by overstaying their visas.   

Let me be very clear.  I do not support amnesty for illegal immigrants.  Amnesty not only subverts the rule of law and justice and is an affront to our current process, but it is unfair to those who have entered our country legally or who are waiting in line in their home countries for a chance to come to the United States.  I believe, as do many of my constituents, that we have a process for becoming a legal immigrant in this country that is fair and is a process that needs to be honored.   

My basic principles regarding illegal immigration are very clear.  By strengthening and defending our borders, getting tough on employers who knowingly break the law and hire illegal immigrants, and by deporting those illegal immigrants who have broken laws here in the United States, we can work towards a solution to the problem of illegal immigration.  That does not mean we get soft on offenders, offer amnesty to those who have broken the law coming here, or back down when it comes to protecting our homeland.