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John Mica Turns Up Heat on TSA for Airport 'Opt Out'

Sunshine State News

March 13, 2012

By Kenric Ward

U.S. Rep. John Mica turned up the heat on the Transportation Security Administration Tuesday, prodding the agency to allow more airports to privatize their screening operations.

Speaking at Orlando-Sanford International Airport, whose "opt-out" application was denied by the TSA last year, Mica said the federal agency "attempted to shut down this cost-effective and more efficient screening model for airports."

Sixteen airports operate under the Screening Partnership Program, and others are interested in doing so, but Mica said the TSA has dragged its feet. 


Mica, who chairs the House Transportation Committee, said the law establishes "clear standards by which opt-out applications must be fairly and equitably measured, allows airports greater input regarding the preferred security vendor, requires a timely review of applications by the TSA, and requires that the TSA provide transparency and constructive feedback to the airports and Congress regarding each application and the basis for any decision made."

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