Rep. Keith Ellison

Rep. Keith Ellison


Member of Congress from Minnesota's Fifth District. Co-Chair,

Minneapolis/Washington, D.C. ·

American people want revenue from 2%, protections for seniors & middle class. Boehner, Tea Party standing in way of agreement.

Boehner can't name cuts he wants bc GOP has already cut $1.7 trillion in last 2 years. Need revenue for balance.

. coming up on Rep Ellison is so WHOLESOME, Watch CSPAN for chance to hear him Speak Truth to Power He's a

Difference bt saving health costs and ending benefits for seniors. Does GOP understand this?

Raising Medicare retirement age would leave 500,000 seniors with no healthcare coverage at all.

I stand with working families of Michigan fighting right-to-work-for-less legislation today.

Supreme Court hearing 2 cases on marriage equality. Hope they affirm marriage equality as a constitutional right.

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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