Private First Class Cody Norris

    Cody grew up in La Port. He graduated from La Porte High School just last year, but he quickly volunteered for the US Army in October. In high school, Cody loved to restore old military trucks. He restored a 1952 Dodge M-37 Army truck and drove it to school. He was a member of Junior ROTC Color Guard at La Port High School. But, this year his former classmates and peers in the Color Guard honored his life.

    He was Assigned to 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division at Fort Riley, Kansas before deploying to Afghanistan.

    It was his first deployment in Afghanistan. October 1st marked his 1 year anniversary in the United States Army.

    Cody was killed in the Kandahar province last week – on November 9th - when the enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire. Kandahar Province in Afghanistan has been called the birthplace and fanatical home of the notorious Taliban. It is a dangerous part of the world.

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