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Rangel Votes to Preserve Patient Protections

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Charles B. Rangel voted to preserve patient protections and uphold the health and economic security of America’s middle class, while calling on Republican leaders to get to work to create jobs, end outsourcing, and grow our economy. The House of Representatives voted 244-185 on H.R. 6079, GOP Patients' Rights Repeal Act, a Republican bill that aims to fully repeal the health care reform law.  

“America's top priority is job creation, yet Republicans have no plan to create jobs here at home.  Instead, they are wasting time taking away patient protections and rewarding their friends in the insurance industry,” Rangel said.  “Enough is enough.  Republicans must join Democrats to put people back to work.”

Today, for the 31st time in this Congress, House Republicans voted to repeal or defund the Affordable Care Act, taking away critical protections for millions of Americans – protections already enjoyed by Members of Congress.  Rather than focus on jobs, Republicans continue to protect their friends in the insurance industry by passing another message bill to nowhere that will never become law.

"Today, Americans are living in fear of whether or not they will have medical care when they need it. We have come too far and too close as a nation in providing affordable healthcare to every American to have it taken away.  As the House sponsor of the Affordable Care Act, I was proud to stand with my Democratic colleagues behind President Barack Obama when he signed the healthcare bill.  I will continue to defend and expand upon quality healthcare for all Americans, especially those who are most vulnerable," Rangel stated.

Across the country, the Affordable Care Act is improving and enhancing the health of America’s families and workers.  Medical decisions are now in the hands of patients and doctors, not insurance company bureaucrats.  The worst abuses of insurance companies have come to an end, and more Americans have access to quality, affordable health coverage.

Over the past two years, Americans have already seen the positive impact of new patient protections as:

Up to 17 million children are no longer denied coverage because of a pre-           existing condition.

6.6 million young people have obtained insurance through their parents’ plans.
5.3 million seniors have already saved $3.7 billion on prescription drugs.
105 million Americans no longer face lifetime limits on their insurance coverage.
“A vote to repeal patient protections is a vote to raise costs on seniors, undermine the health of children and students, and put insurance companies back in charge of Americans’ healthcare,” Rangel added.  “Republicans must stop refighting the battles of the past just to score political points.  Let’s start fighting to create jobs and stimulate the growth of our economy."



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