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Rangel Statement On The Nixon Testimony Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement on November 10, 2011, after the release of the transcript of President Nixon’s grand jury testimony during Watergate. It was the first time an ex-president had testified before a grand jury and it is rare for any grand jury testimony to be made public:

"I am pleased to learn that The National Archives and President Nixon’s Presidential Library have made his grand jury testimony from the Watergate scandal public.
Since serving in the House Judiciary Committee’s hearings on the impeachment of President Richard Nixon 36 years ago, I feel that the release of these records is far over due. The 18 ½ missing minutes of the conversation between President Nixon and Alexander Haig, his chief of staff, were important in our decision regarding the President's part in concealing the Watergate scandal that ultimately led to his resignation. 
The American people deserve to know the full truth about this unfortunate and confounding time in American history. It is hard to imagine that these events took place so long ago, however they serve as a reminder of how important it is for the American people to be given full transparency and be able to trust their government.”



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