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Rangel Shares The Joy Of Passover

NEW YORK, NY – Congressman Charles Rangel today issued the following statement to mark the celebration of Passover:

"As the holiday of Passover draws to its end, I give my best wishes to my Jewish neighbors and friends who are celebrating this important holiday.  The story of the Exodus from Egypt told in Jewish homes around the world resonates with so many of us -- from immigrants who came to America to find a better life for their children, and to African-Americans who overcame the bonds of slavery only 150 years ago.

At a time when many American families are struggling to put food on the table, we take great inspiration from the story of Israelites' perseverance and their triumphant deliverance out of bondage. Passover reminds us to let 'all who are hungry, come and eat,' and to show compassion toward our distressed neighbors. Let us continue to offer charity in any way we can, and share the joy of Passover throughout our community. Hag Sameach."



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