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Rangel On Passing Of Stanley J. 'Bud' Grant, A Friend With A Vision For Healthy Eyes

NEW YORK - Congressman Charles Rangel on Monday issued the following statement on the passing of Stanley J. "Bud" Grant, President & CEO of Friends of the Congressional Glaucoma Caucus Foundation who died on March 26, 2011, at the age of 83:



"It is with my deepest sorrow that I bid farewell to my good friend Bud. I had the privilege of working with Bud as one of the founding members of the Congressional Glaucoma Caucus in 2000, and have seen firsthand the immeasurable contribution he had made on behalf of the Friends of the Congressional Glaucoma Caucus Foundation.
Bud was a true visionary, who was dedicated to improving the health of every American's vision. Under his leadership, the Foundation has screened over 350,000 Americans for glaucoma and other eye diseases in the past decade. The number of people and the lives he has impacted is immeasurable.



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