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Rangel Lauds CBC's 40 Years Of Accomplishments

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement in marking of the 40th Anniversary of the Congressional Black Caucus:

“On the 40th anniversary of its founding, I am pleased to congratulate the Congressional Black Caucus for the forty years of dedicated work to our nation. As one of the 13 founding Members in 1971, I am proud to have witnessed its substantial growth to the current 43 Members of the Congressional Black Caucus serving in the 112th Congress.

From its beginning, the Congressional Black Caucus has worked tirelessly to ensure that all Americans, regardless of race, color or creed have the chance to pursue and achieve the American dream. Leading our communities and country with passion and commitment, the Congressional Black Caucus continuously strives to be a voice for the voiceless, continually earning the moniker 'the conscience of the Congress.'

We are at a critical point in our nation’s history where all we have accomplished is being threatened. I applaud the leadership of Chairman Emanuel Cleaver, II for remaining steadfast in CBC's commitment to defend and guard the change we have all worked so diligently throughout its 40-year history.

The Congressional Black Caucus has not, and will not compromise when it comes to the welfare of our constituents and communities. Our top priority remains getting Americans back to work by creating economic opportunity for all, not cutting critical programs that impact the welfare of our most vulnerable communities. We will work diligently to ensure our children have the ability to learn from pre-school to college. While many attempt to de-fund and destroy Health Care reform, the CBC remains steadfast and committed to defending and ensuring equal access to healthcare for all Americans.

As we reflect on our 40 years of service, I pay tribute to my dear Colleagues, Parren Mitchell, Bill Clay, Sr., Ron Dellums, George Collins, Louis Stokes, Ralph Metcalfe, John Conyers, Jr., Walter Fauntroy, Robert Nix, Sr., Charles Diggs, Shirley Chisholm, and Gus Hawkins whom I worked with to found the Caucus.  We remain proud of our legacy as the CBC today renews its commitment to make the promise of America the practice of America.”

Watch a video from the CBC's 40th Birthday Party at Statuary Hall, on March 30, 2011:



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