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2012 Press Releases

Quigley Statement on Illinois Concealed Carry Ruling

“Today’s ruling is a disappointing setback as we work to end the gun violence that plagues our community and claims innocent lives.  I am hopeful that Illinois lawmakers will take swift action to ensure that our state has common-sense gun laws that balance public safety with Second Amendment rights,” said ...

2012 Press Releases

Quigley Statement on SCOTUS Hearing Marriage Equality Cases

“The Supreme Court’s decision to take up the issue of same-sex marriage is a major step forward for lesbian and gay Americans who have long fought for their constitutional right to fairness and equality.  The Defense of Marriage Act is an affront to our country’s values of ‘life, liberty and ...


Honoring Local First Chicago

"The impact that independent and locally owned businesses have on our communities comes as no surprise. The lasting economic, social, and environmental outcomes are essential to the growth and sustainability of our neighborhoods. More than seven years ago, a non-profit organization named Local First Chicago was formed with one purpose ...

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... relationships, create jobs, stimulate the economy and strengthen national security. It’s time to expand outdated travel standards to include our proven allies. As always, it is an honor to serve you. ...
“Expansion of the Visa Waiver Program will improve our international diplomatic relationships, create jobs, stimulate the economy and strengthen national security. It’s time to expand outdated travel standards ...
23. Quigley Meets Indian Ambassador Rao
(Latest News/2011 Press Releases)
... nation and a vital international partner to the United States,” said Rep. Quigley. “The importance of India to America’s economy and national security cannot be overestimated.  Ambassador Rao’s expertise ...
... that keep America’s economy running.” The survey asks small business owners to identify regulations that need reforming or streamlining, as well as any issues they face that impede operations and hinder ...
... the economy continues to struggle, we need to jumpstart the housing market and encourage American families to save money and take on less debt.” “The unfortunate reality of the last several years is ...
26. Quigley Invites You to Small Business Fair
...  As your U.S. Representative, one of my top priorities is to do whatever I can to help our economy recovery, which includes providing local entrepreneurs with resources to help grow their businesses. To ...
27. Quigley on CLTV's Politics Tonight
(In the News/In the News)
Rep. Quigley Joins Paul Lisnek on CLTV to talk about the Federal Budget and Jobs " Rep. Quigley Joins Paul Lisnek on CLTV to talk about the Federal Budget and Jobs. The below segment aired on CLTV ...
... bill that has been deemed the worst we’ve ever seen. And, we stand here today while everyone around us fights against a compromise that might keep our standing in the international economy from dipping ...
... Danny Davis (IL-07) heard testimony from Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle, patients, and providers about the negative impact on access to medical, long-term care and the economy caused by deep cuts ...
... the Visa Waiver Program, because it’s essential for our diplomacy, our economy, and our national security. I applaud President Obama on his strong commitment to right this wrong, and bring equity to a ...
... small businesses that drive our economy to the afterschool programs that help shape our kids,  understanding the needs of 5th District communities is the most important part of my job,” said Quigley.  ...
... the United States Congress on all matters of mutual interest including security, economy and democratization continues to be of strategic importance," Ambassador Kupiecki said. "Poland hopes that President ...
... creates clean energy jobs and strengthens our economy, and protects our national security,” said Quigley.  “Sadly, H.R. 1229 does none of this important work.” A package of devastating bills that ...
... we can all agree on.We agree that our dependence on foreign oil endangers our environment, hurts our economy and weakens our national security. Our disagreement lies in potential solutions. I believe ...
35. Quigley Continues Quest for Budget Transparency
(Latest News/2011 Press Releases)
... substantive steps toward a future that isn’t weighed down by debt.” Currently, public debt is projected to rise to more than twice the size of the economy by 2025 and more than three times its size by ...
36. Quigley Tours Chicago’s Greenest Home
(Latest News/2011 Press Releases)
... this is the future of construction, because as the Helenowski family has shown us, it is a boon to the local economy, saves on energy costs, and is terrific for our environment.” About the Home The ...
... end. And this issue is critical, not just to our health, and our nation’s health, but also to our country’s national security and our economy. Madam Speaker, I rise today to protect the integrity of, ...
... our national economy.”  Today’s hearing was Quigley’s first as the lead democrat of the Subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services, and Bailouts of Public and Private Programs.  He recently released ...
... While deficits can help smooth dips in the economy and put unemployed Americans back to work, left unchecked they can also exacerbate future deficits and slow economic growth. Either way, this should be ...
... lenders, and Treasury are providing every tool available to help Chicagoans during these tough times.” “This economy has been just brutal to so many families in my district, where we are continuing to ...
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