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Investing in Safe and Renewable Energy

Investing in Safe and Renewable Energy

To boost Iowa's economy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil, Senator Harkin is committed to accelerating our development of home-grown, farm-based renewable sources of fuel and electrical power. America's agricultural sector offers tremendous potential for producing energy to fuel our vehicles, power our factories and illuminate our homes.

Senator Harkin authored the first ever energy title in a farm bill in the 2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act. He was an early advocate for biofuels and wind power, as well as a strong supporter of research and development into next-generation energy technologies. He also worked successfully to enact a new, more ambitious national renewable fuels standard to spur greater production and use of ethanol and biodiesel, a significant share of which will come from cellulosic biomass in addition to grain and oilseed feedstocks.

Senator Harkin believes our national energy economy requires a major transition over the next several decades. He will continue to insist that our energy systems be more efficient and that we increasingly tap our renewable energy resources to serve our fuels, power and thermal needs.