Congressman Bill Shuster
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  1. I am greatly disappointed that PBS Coals has been forced to idle more mines and lay off another 138 workers. The EPA has put a strangle hold on the coal industry making coal mining and coal-fired electricity generation more difficult and costly. The EPA’s regulations have created uncertainty in the industry and are crushing the jobs of thousands of hard working Pennsylvanians.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman Bill ShusterSee All
    • Travis Adams
      With all the money problems in the government has Congress thought of reviving some sort of bond drive to finance some programs? For example those citizens concerned about the defense and veteran affairs budget by defense bonds, have bonds for the Department of Interior to keep National Parks open, or have a bond to fund the Department of Education. On a side note, why did DHS spend money for a zombie drill? It was a total waste of taxpayers money.
      2 hours ago
    •  What are we going to do in a few years when Social Security is required by law to stop buying new US Treasury bonds and is forced to redeem the ones coming due? Who will replace Social Security as the largest US Government lender so that it can keep redeeming Social Security investments?
      8 hours ago
    • Martin Bakner
       Care to explain why? And don't bother trying to blame President Obama or any other non-Republican. This is YOUR party that sets the 'work' schedule. This is YOUR leadership - Boehner & Cantor - that sets the calendar. Tell your leaders: "Stay in DC and work... or resign." While you're at it... let's see a more realistic 2013 House schedule. I know teenagers with after-school jobs who will work more hours than members of Congress.
      16 hours ago
    • Don Spielvogle
      Just heard where your party is pushing to gut Medicare and Social Security, and I was wondering, as a show of good fairness the congress members should give up their tax paid healthcare,which I understand is for life, and their retirement. Let's be honest every congress person is wealthy, if not when they were elected, then after they were in office from all the benes and lobbyist. You should be able to forego your retirement, just think the tax dollars saved! You want to raise the age for medicare to 67, sounds all well and good especially for a politician, but work in heavy industry for 40 years and see if you're physically able to work to 67, I know you can't relate to working, but that's the hard truth! I again ask you to grow a pair, and do your job, don't raise taxes on the middle class, stay on the job, and vote for your constituents who elected you. Don't be told by either party, party faction, or outside lobbyist how to vote, get it done, that's why you're there in case you forgot.
      31 · 16 hours ago
    • Brian Watson B
      Congressman, I hope that you are against the NDAA, because I wanted to express respectfully yet sternly to you that this taxpayer is TOTALLY AGAINST the NDAA
      20 hours ago
  3. I am honored to have been selected by Speaker Boehner as a Conferee on the National Defense Authorization Act. I look forward to working with my House and Senate colleagues to produce a strong bill that will ensure fiscal sanity while maintaining a strong and capable military.
  4. I will be closing my Somerset County district office Thursday due to redistricting. In the meantime, constituents who need assistance can call my Indiana office at (724) 463-0516.
  5. Today is day of celebrating our friends and family, as well as our many blessings as a nation. Just as our ancestors gave thanks for the bounty of the earth when they thought they wouldn't survive another winter, so do we. Happy Thanksgiving.

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