Main Street Jobs Agenda

Access to Capital for Small Businesses

Empowering small businesses to expand by increasing their access to capital.

Exports and Manufacturing

As the number one manufacturing district in the country, it is important to promote trade, exports, and manufacturing in order to spur the economy and get people back to work.

Local Action to Promote Job Growth in the 10th District of Illinois

Local events held in the 10th District to empower job creators to spur the economy and hire more workers.

Making Investments in Infrastructure

Creating jobs by investing in infrastructure.

Pro-Growth Tax Reform

Working to implement a pro-growth tax code that will spur the economy, close special interest loopholes, and help hardworking families.

STEM Education

Promoting science, technology, engineering, and manufacturing (STEM) education so that students and the unemployed are prepared for the jobs of the 21st century workforce.

Smarter Regulations

Reducing burdensome red tape and replacing them with smarter regulations so that our job creators have the certainty they need to grow and create new jobs.

Utilizing Domestic Energy Resources

Investing in domestic energy and utilizing an “all-of-the-above” approach to energy to lower the price of energy and create jobs here at home.