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Woolsey Speaks Against War with Iraq on Capitol Hill

Rep. Lynn Woolsey Speaking Against War with her Democratic Colleagues

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Petaluma) today, urged all Americans to call their representatives in Congress and make their voices heard in order to stop war against Iraq. She spoke along with over 20 of her Democratic colleagues in opposition to the latest resolution from the White House to authorize unilateral, pre-emptive use of force against Iraq.

The following is Rep. Woolsey’s statement:

“The resolution that the White House presented yesterday (H.J. Res 114) calls for unilateral pre-emptive first strikes – which I continue to oppose.

“The United States has a unique international position as a defender of freedom and a guiding light for democracy. We are not warmongers and the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive first strikes is not suited for a nation built on peace and freedom.

“The Bush Doctrine could squander the goodwill of our allies and, perhaps, the very character of our nation. This President has shown that he prefers to “go it alone” rather than work with our allies in a truly multilateral way.

“This is the same President that backed out of the ABM Treaty, refused to sign the Kyoto treaty, withdrew the U.S. signature to the International Criminal Court Treaty, and resisted paying off our immense debt to the United Nations.

“I urge everyone to call your representative in Congress to put a stop to this war. Please call 202–225–3121 to make your voice heard to your Senator and your Representative in the U.S. House.”
