
Contact: Ashley Tanks 770-210-5073

Congressman Scott Teams Up with Local Constituent to Amend US Flag Code

Washington, Jun 4, 2008 - Legislation authored by Congressman David Scott was signed by President Bush and became public law yesterday. H.R. 2356 amends the United States flag code to encourage the display of the American flag on Father’s Day. Congressman Scott’s legislation was written in response to a constituent request asking if the US Flag could be flown to recognize fathers.

“The American flag is one of the greatest symbols of our country. It is the representation of our freedom, values and heritage as a nation,” Congressman Scott said. “For many years, the list of occasions on which we’re encouraged to fly the flag included Veteran’s Day, President’s Day, Columbus Day and Mother’s Day, but not Father’s Day. I am proud that our flag will now be flown to recognize those men who have a special role in all of our lives – our fathers.”

This year, Flag Day is recognized on June 14 and Fathers Day is recognized on June 15. 


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