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July 12, 2007

Velázquez: Bring Our Troops Home

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Velázquez (D-NY) gave the following statement on the U.S. House of Representatives floor today in support of H.R. 2956, the Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act:

“Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong support of HR 2956, the Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act.  We must support our troops and the best way to do that is to bring them home.

“The American public wants the troops out of harms way.  The White House has not met its own benchmarks.  The pain and suffering felt because of this war is unconscionable.  New York has lost over 150 brave young souls.  Yet for this President, there is no ending this War.

“There is a smarter way.  Under HR2956, Americans start to come home in 120 days.  And they keep coming home through next April.  Over 70% of Americans want us out of Iraq.  Democracy is about elected officials listening to the People.  We are trying to teach Iraqis how to run their own democracy.  By voting to bring our troops home, we can show them.  Our People want this war to be over.   Put your faith and trust in them.  Choose democracy.  Choose a way forward.  Vote to bring our troops home.”

Watch the statement on YouTube.