Sen Dianne Feinstein

Sen Dianne Feinstein


United States Senator from California. On Facebook at:

California ·

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

I’m greatly saddened by the death of Senator Danny Inouye. A truly wonderful man and an American hero.

Just finished an emotional and angry interview with - a brave Senator determined to bring in new U.S. gun control. CNN 9pmET

Dianne Feinstein tells me was "the straw that broke the camel's back" on gun legislation. Tonight

on assault weapons ban:"We will be prepared to intro an updated version on the first day of the new US Senate"

I am horrified and incensed by today’s tragedy in Connecticut. We mourn for those killed and families devastated.

71 years ago the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor. Take a moment to remember and honor the lives lost that day.

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