Congressman Mike Honda's Blog
This blog serves as my way to provide updates to the 15th Congressional District.

Fair Budget Fix For All PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   
Thursday, 10 May 2012 10:31

In response to the extreme proposal put forth on the floor today by Republicans to replace the bi-partisan 2013 Budget Control Act (BCA) sequester that cut both defense spending and domestic programs, I have, as Progressive Caucus Budget Task Force Chairman along with CPC Co-Chairs Keith Ellison and Raul Grijalva, prepared an alternative plan. 

Both the sequester and the Republican plan would result in disastrous cuts to the domestic programs that Americans want protected.  By building from proposals contained in the Budget for All,the Progressive Caucus has released the Fair Budget Fix for All, which would replace the sequester scheduled for 2013 with a collection of proposals favored by the American public including adoption of the Buffett Rule, and elimination of a host of unaffordable, unsustainable tax loopholes that benefit big oil, agri-business, and corporations trying to avoid their true tax liability.   Lastly, the Fair Budget Fix for All would trim down our unnecessary and oversized nuclear arsenal

Statement on President Obama's Gay Marriage Support PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   
Wednesday, 09 May 2012 14:58

Today, President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage equality, recognizing a long held belief that millions of Americans, including myself, share: that marriage is a human right and the product of a loving committed relationship that all Americans – gay or straight – should have the opportunity to experience. As vice-Chair of the Congressional LGBT Caucus, today represents a monumental barrier broken in our struggle for equality and a reminder that we are on the right-side of history. Discrimination in any realm is still inequality.  Now more than never, it is imperative to remind each other, and our elected officials, that until we all have equal rights – be it the right to marry or earn equal wages – liberty and justice has not yet been granted. I look forward to continuing my efforts with a strong ally in President Obama to finally repeal the discriminatory and unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act and push for LGBT rights in the workplace.

National Teacher Appreciation Week 2012 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   
Wednesday, 09 May 2012 12:13

Today, as part of National Teacher Appreciation Week, I want to thank each and every teacher for their amazing service to their students and this country.

On April 24thPresident Obama honored California Teacher, Rebecca Mieliwock, as Teacher of the Year in an event held at the White House. During the event on the 24th, the President sagely articulated that teachers in this country are not just working for their students or for their schools, but for the forward progress of our entire country.  The American dream is first ignited in the classroom; only through effective support and funding of educators’ crucial work can we hope to keep America exceptional in the 21st Century.

In February, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced the RESPECT Program, an effort to promote collaborative teaching and professional development. It is an appropriate acronym and attribute for this profession. As an educator of more than 30 years, I have boundless respect for those that embrace the awesome responsiblity of educating our children.  Teachers must have our boundless gratitude, support and respect every day of the year.

Many people can point back to one teacher or class experience in elementary, high school or college that made a big impact on their life. This is the immense affect teachers have upon students.  I can still remember Mr. Williams, my chemistry and physics teacher, at San Jose High School. It was through his influence and impact that I pursued a degree in the sciences at San Jose State University.   A path that led me to become a teacher myself, a principal, a school board leader and ultimately a champion for teachers and students in Congress.

I encourage everyone during National Teacher Appreciation Week, to take a moment to remember their favorite teacher and to share a story with your family, friends and colleagues. America’s continued and future success begins with each teacher and student. Educators from sea to shining sea have a lasting impact upon shaping, developing and encouraging students to thrive and flourish within our schools. These dedicated and hard-working men and women are the key to our nation’s future.

Statement on Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2012 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   
Tuesday, 01 May 2012 10:06

I’m proud to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month this May.  This year’s theme for APA Heritage Month is “Striving for Excellence in Leadership, Diversity, and Inclusion,” which are three important principles to reflect on this month.  Now numbering more than 17 million people, the AAPI community has become the fastest-growing racial group in the United States, and we have many accomplishments to celebrate and a truly diverse history to honor.

Statement on CISPA Vote PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   
Friday, 27 April 2012 10:43

As the Congressman representing the heart of Silicon Valley and as a member of the Commerce Justice Science Appropriations subcommittee, I know firsthand the serious need for legislation bolstering cyber security cooperation in our country. The United States loses billions of dollars a year from corporate cybercrime; reflecting the significance of the problem.

Statement on SB 1070 in the U.S. Supreme Court PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   
Wednesday, 25 April 2012 12:16

Today, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments regarding the constitutionality of Arizona’s anti-immigrant legislation, SB 1070.  Arizona’s misguided attempt at enforcing immigration policy through SB 1070 is not only unconstitutional, but has also torn at the social and moral fabric of families, communities, and America as a whole.  

As someone who was placed in Japanese internment camps during World War II, I know all too well the effects of scapegoating and racial profiling.  SB 1070 has opened the floodgates in allowing law enforcement to unfairly target and racially profile minority communities, leaving already vulnerable individuals feeling suspect or inferior due to their skin color.  

As Immigration Taskforce Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, I urge the Supreme Court to uphold our constitutional rights and to ensure that all Americans – no matter their immigration status – are treated equally under the law.

Rep. Mike Honda Supports The 2012 U.S. Peace Index PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   
Friday, 20 April 2012 00:00

Violence costs our country, states, and cities hundreds of billions of dollars and millions of jobs every year. Each year, states that experience the highest levels of violence lose millions of dollars to incarceration, homicide, violent crime, policing, and gun control. Our most peaceful states, on the contrary, enjoy some of the highest rates of health coverage, high school graduation, educational opportunity, access to basic services, as well as among the lowest rates of teen pregnancy, income inequality, poverty, and infant mortality.

As policy makers, educators, parents and grandparents, we must understand the connections between levels of violence and peacefulness and the socioeconomic realities they create.  Now more than ever, it is critical to harness these connections to enhance the health, peace, prosperity and opportunity for every American by investing in critical and cost-effective social services and reducing wasteful spending on reactionary violence and crime policies.

The 2012 United States Peace Index (USPI) provides us with the analytical tools to take these steps. The report includes an analysis of the socio-economic costs of violence in the United States, while highlighting the economic benefits associated with increasing levels of peace. In so doing, the Report sheds much-needed light on yet-unrealized savings, worth hundreds of billions of dollars for our economy and millions of jobs for our youth.


Statement on the Tragic Loss of Teddy Molina PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   
Thursday, 12 April 2012 15:12

Last week, we lost yet another young life to the cruelty of bullying. Teddy Molina, just a freshman in high school, felt he had no other option and took his own life after years of torment, racial discrimination, and threats. Those who knew Teddy remember him fondly, as a happy, fun-loving kid.

Budget For All - CPC FY13 Budget PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   
Monday, 26 March 2012 13:57

The Budget for All puts Americans back to work, charts a path to responsible deficit reduction, enhances our economic competitiveness, rebuilds the middle class and invests in our future.  Our budget makes no cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security benefits, and asks those who have benefited most from our economy to pay a sensible share.

Trayvon Martin Statement PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   
Monday, 26 March 2012 00:00

I am extremely saddened to hear about the devastating killing of Trayvon Martin. I send my condolences to his family, friends, and community. While there are many unresolved questions, it is in the best interests of our country, and our commitment to all individuals in this nation regardless of skin color, that justice be served. Mr. George Zimmerman still walks a free man, while a 17-year-old deceased and unarmed young man is under scrutiny, validating that the underpinnings of this case must be proactively investigated, evaluated, and determined.

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