
Happy 4th of July!

Huntington Beach, Jul 1 -

In 1776, when Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed a resolution of American Independence from Great Britain, even he could not have known the great historical moment upon him. Consider that America, just a group of upstart colonies fighting for freedom and soon defeating the mighty army of the British Empire, would one day itself grow to become the most powerful country on the face of the earth.

America is powerful, not only because of our military might, but because of our people, our strength of character, purpose and our sense of community and freedom.

The 4th of July, when Americans come together to celebrate this act of independence, is both a great and a humbling experience. Great because it is a day to be thankful for this free and prosperous country; humbling because this day is a reminder of all that was sacrificed for us, for liberty, by the heroic men and women who have come before us, and of the men and women who on this very day continue to put their lives on the line serving in the United States Armed Forces not only to keep us safe, but keep safe many others around the world.

The 4th of July is a time for families and friends to come together, to play a game of catch, to barbeque on the beach, to proudly fly the American flag. I’ll be with my friends and family, my wife and seven-year-old triplets participating in the Huntington Beach parade on Main Street.

This year’s Annual Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade is the 107th. It’s the largest Independence Day parade west of the Mississippi River, and I appreciate the opportunity to participate.

I hope to see everyone from the 46th District on the 4th of July, not only at the parade, but at the pier for the rest of the day’s festivities. It’s a time for the Surf City community to come together just as all Americans will be, celebrating all that we have and all that we are, in this great country.

In Freedom,
