For Immediate Release
(202) 224-5653


Washington, D.C. – Following severe storms and flash flooding in Wisconsin, U.S. Senators Russ Feingold and Herb Kohl and Representatives Jim Sensenbrenner, Ron Kind, and Gwen Moore wrote to President Obama today urging the administration to quickly review Wisconsin's request for federal disaster assistance and declare a major disaster for the state.  

The text of the letter can be viewed below:    

The President
The White House
Washington, DC 20500  

Dear Mr. President,  

We write to request that you promptly consider Governor Doyle's request for federal disaster assistance for the State of Wisconsin.  The State has endured severe storms and flash flooding that have damaged numerous homes and public infrastructure.  We support the Governor's request for Individual Assistance for Grant, Milwaukee, and Waukesha Counties; Public Assistance for Grant and Milwaukee Counties; and Hazard Mitigation statewide.  

According to the State's disaster request, Milwaukee and Grant counties will need over $12 million in public assistance.  Preliminary damage assessments found that more than fifty homes had major damage.  The damage is concentrated and poses a threat to public health and safety.  The State has recently suffered several disasters for which it did not request federal assistance. 

Given these facts, we support the Governor's finding that the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the State and the local governments and that Federal assistance is necessary.  Additional counties may be added to the request as damage assessments continue and we urge timely consideration of any future requests from the State. We urge you to promptly review the request for assistance and declare a major disaster for the State of Wisconsin.


Senator Russell D. Feingold              
Senator Herb Kohl                             
Congressman James Sensenbrenner             
Congressman Ron Kind
Congresswoman Gwen Moore                           

Cc.  Mr. Andrew Velasquez III
Regional Administrator
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region V
536 South Clark Street, 6th Floor
Chicago, IL, 60605-1521