
13 Weeks & 0 Jobs Bills

Posted on by Karina

This week, House Republicans are not only ignoring job creation for the 13th week, they’re also bringing legislation to the House floor that destroys 70,000 jobs. The House Republican FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act will destroy 70,000 jobs, undermine our nation’s infrastructure, and jeopardize runway safety and improvements. This is on top of two other House Republican bills passed this year that destroy jobs:

HR 1 – The House-passed GOP ‘So Be It’ spending bill destroys 700,000 jobs, stalls our economic recovery, and protects subsidies for Big Oil and tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas.

HR 2 – The GOP Patients’ Rights Repeal bill puts insurance companies back in charge and repeals the Affordable Care Act destroys more than 300,000 jobs.

The FAA bill on the floor this week brings the number of GOP bills to create jobs to 0 and the number of jobs destroyed to more than one million:

More than 1 million jobs

The only votes this Congress to create jobs have been Democratic bills (both were voted down by the Republican majority):

Build America Bonds to Create Jobs Now Act – leveraging public dollars to strengthen the private sector, growing our economy by rebuilding America

Ending government contracts that reward corporations that ship jobs overseas

While Republicans focus their attention on their ‘So Be It’ spending bill that destroys 700,000 jobs and hampers our economic growth, Democrats in Congress are trying to answer America’s call to create jobs here by Making it in America and investing in rebuilding our nation. A new Gallup poll released today finds that Americans’ top two prescriptions for creating jobs are to:

Keep manufacturing jobs here and stop sending work overseas (25 percent)
Create more infrastructure work (13 percent)

This represents a 10% increase since November of 2009 for those two answers. It’s time for Republicans to join with Democrats to create jobs, strengthen the middle class, and reduce the deficit in a responsible way.

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