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Woolsey Celebrates National Family Month with Introduction of Balancing Act

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In recognition of June as National Family Month, Rep. Lynn Woolsey yesterday reintroduced the Balancing Act, a bill that will improve the lives of America’s working families with more generous leave policies, expanded child care access, voluntary pre-school and improved school nutrition.

“Especially during this time of economic uncertainty, Americans are finding it more difficult to balance the demands of work and family,” Rep. Woolsey said.  “Instead of continuing to invest in failed military occupations, we should be doing more to ease the strain on the middle class.  A successful work-family balance will mean healthier children, happier families and stronger communities.”

She added: “Our current laws governing work and family were designed for a different era.  It’s no longer a Ward and June Cleaver world.  It’s time we caught up with the major social and economic changes of the last 50 years.”

The Balancing Act is an omnibus package that includes many individual pieces of legislation offered by her colleagues.  Among the many provisions of the bill, it would help employers give benefits to part-time employees, provide incentives for telecommuting, expand the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and allow more children to take advantage of afterschool programs.

“Balancing work and family is critical to our competitiveness as a nation,” Rep. Woolsey said.  “Take it from a former human resources executive – a secure workforce is a productive workforce.  By helping people achieve a balance between their responsibilities at home and on the job, the Balancing Act is a sound investment in our workers and their families.”

A summary of the benefits of the Balancing Act is attached below. 


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The Balancing Act Summary

Family Leave

Family Leave Insurance Act

  • Provide paid leave for all workers covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) – including those employed by small companies that elect to participate -- to care for a family member, bond with a new child, recover from an illness, or help military families prepare for a service member’s deployment.

Family and Medical Leave Enhancement Act

  • Expands the FMLA to include leave for children’s extracurricular and educational activities.
  • Expands FMLA to cover employers with 25 or more employees
Child Care Assistance

Child Care Expansion Act

  • Amends the Child Care Development Block Grant to add specific funds for child care activities designed for our youngest children and children with disabilities.

Focus on Committed and Underpaid Staff for Children’s Sake Act (FOCUS)

  • Rewards the retention of qualified child care providers by offering the Child Care Provider Development and Retention Grant Program to help providers improve their educational qualifications.

Child Care Construction and Renovation Grants

  • Awards competitive grants to experienced non-profit community development organizations for the construction and improvement of child care facilities. 

Child Care Availability Incentive Act

  • Establishes a grant program for businesses seeking to create or expand employer-operated child care centers.

Pre-School, In-School and After School Assistance

Voluntary Universal Pre-School

  • Authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Education to make grants to States to develop full year voluntary universal pre-kindergarten programs.

Improving Nutrition in Public Schools

  • Offers grants to provide children universal school breakfast regardless of family income.

After-School Education Enhancement Act

  • Makes funds available to all schools that choose to participate in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers after-school program.

Improving the Workplace for Families

Part-Time and Temporary Workers Benefits Act

  • Makes part-time and temporary employees eligible for the same employee benefits as full-time staff on a prorated basis, including FMLA.

United States Business Telecommuting Act

  • Encourages employers to allow employees to telecommute part-time.