Honda Introduces Resolution Honoring "American Goddess of Mercy" Minnie Vautrin PDF Print E-mail

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Mike Honda (CA-15) introduced a resolution before the U.S. House of Representatives honoring the life of Minnie Vautrin, an American missionary who courageously, and at the risk of her own life, stood against the Japanese imperial army during its infamous 1937 Rape of Nanking, China in defense of innocent civilians. The resolution’s text follows:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Minnie Vautrin, an American woman and missionary whose heroism changed the course of history during World War II.

Our country has seen countless acts of heroism in the face of war atrocities both in our country and abroad. Japan’s violent occupation of then-capital Nanking, China, historically known as the Rape of Nanking, claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent Chinese men, women and children and left its mark on history as one of the most brutal massacres and crimes against humanity of the 20th Century. An estimated 300,000 Chinese civilians were killed, and an estimated 20,000 women were raped, with some estimates as high as 80,000.

Minnie Vautrin, a missionary who worked at a women’s college in Nanking, courageously stood against the Japanese imperial army. A native of Illinois, she was one of the few Americans in the region when the Japanese army invaded Nanking.

By using the American flag and proclamations issued by the American Embassy in China maintaining the college a sanctuary, Minnie helped repel incursions into the college, where thousands of women and children sought protection from the Japanese army. She often risked her own life to defend the lives of thousands of Chinese civilians.

Her devotion during this horrific event earned her the nickname “American Goddess of Mercy” among the people of Nanking, where she is fondly remembered. Her heroic actions and unparalleled efforts to save lives deserve to be recognized. Sadly, her story is relatively unknown.

That is why I, along with 14 of my colleagues, am introducing a resolution honoring her sacrifice, courage, humanity, and commitment to peace and justice during the violent Rape of Nanking. Minnie Vautrin’s story defines patriotism and heroism in the midst of war, and the introduction of this resolution honors her achievements today, the 120th anniversary of her birth.

Mr. Speaker, I commend my colleagues for joining me in honor of this phenomenal yet unsung heroine. To the thousands of innocent men, women and children whose lives were spared because of Minnie Vautrin’s bold courage, she will never be forgotten.


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