Honda Renamed to Powerful House Appropriations Subcommittees PDF Print E-mail

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA) was re-appointed to his powerful House Appropriations subcommittee appointments on Labor, Health, Human Services, Education and Related Agencies, as well as Commerce, Justice and Science. For his Appropriation’s Legislative Branch subcommittee assignments, Honda assumed the vice-chairmanship.

Following the announcement of his subcommittee assignments, Rep Honda commented, “I’m excited to work with the House Congressional leadership and President-elect Barack Obama on creating change in key areas such as education, health disparities, worker rights, science and innovation, and justice for all Americans.   Additionally, I look forward to continuing the charge to bringing Americans better access to their government and knowledge of what their elected representatives are doing, in my position as Legislative branch vice-chair.”

Rep Honda’s Appropriations subcommittee assignments serve a particularly important role in boosting economic opportunities in California’s 15th district amidst state budget shortfalls. Said Honda, “During this economic recession, my constituents, like most Americans, are eager to see genuine progress on key issues affecting their daily lives, from jobs to healthcare to education. As an appropriator, I look forward to helping California lift itself out of this current economic crisis.”


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