WASHINGTON (March 17) – Congressman Spencer Bachus (AL-6) today said that when it comes to reducing the debt, Congress should start right at home. 

            Bachus wrote to Speaker Nancy Pelosi earlier this month requesting that nearly $200,000 in savings from his office’s 2009 budget be used directly to pay down the deficit.  The House today approved legislation (H.R. 4825) making that the official policy for all unspent office funds.  Currently, unspent funds from individual offices can be used for other House spending. 

            “Taxpayer money saved through careful budgeting should be used for deficit reduction.  This has been my personal practice and I believe it is appropriate for the entire House.  As I said in my letter to Speaker Pelosi, the national debt is clearly unsustainable and savings realized by Congress should be applied towards paying down this enormous yolk on our children and grandchildren,” Bachus said. 

            Bachus asked the Speaker to provide a written assurance that that full amount saved by his office will be sent to the U.S. Treasury Department for debt reduction. 

            Bachus has not yet received a reply from the Speaker.