At a time when job creation and economic growth are more important than ever, it is important to remember the fundamentals of what really increases economic opportunity for our citizens.

One of the greatest threats to our economic prosperity is out-of-control spending,  The national debt now stands at more than $15 trillion and is projected to rise to $20.3 trillion by 2020, equaling almost 90% of the entire economy.  The overall debt has increased by 60% over the last four years as a result of massive spending and borrowing programs.  We cannot not burden our children and grandchildren with the higher taxes and lower standard of living that are the inevitable results of unsustainable and reckless spending.  The time to cut spending is now.

Because high taxes stifle economic growth, burdening families and job-creating businesses, I proudly support tax relief.  Furthermore, our current tax system needs to be reformed.  It is unfair, complex, and wasteful.

Modern roads, bridges, and airports are vital to economic development.  For this reason, I work to make sure that the federal gas tax monies that Alabamians pay into the highway trust fund are returned to our state for needed improvements to our transportation system.

International investment has greatly benefited the State of Alabama.  Thousands of jobs have been created by international companies who have located automobile factories, steel plants, and other facilities in our state.  Trade and investment that benefits the people of Alabama will continue to have my support.

By reducing wasteful spending, keeping taxes low, supporting our entrepreneurs, and marketing Alabama's many competitive advantages including our schools and universities, we can continue to create good job opportunities for citizens in the 6th District and our state.

To read the House Republican plan for Job Creators, click here.

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