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November 14, 2012

Higgins Urges Congress to Adopt Bipartisan, Balanced Approach to Economic Recovery

Congressman Brian Higgins spoke on the House Floor to urge his colleagues in the House of Representatives to reach a balanced, bipartisan agreement to create jobs and grow the American economy. Higgins suggests investments in our own nation’s education, scientific research, and infrastructure as a means to do this. 


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The text of Higgins’ remarks is below:
Mr. Speaker, left unresolved, the uncertainty of the fiscal cliff with spending cuts and increased taxes will exact real and permanent damages on the American people and the American economy. What we need is leadership that was lacking that created the fiscal cliff in the first place – one that provides a balanced approach of spending cuts and increased revenues, one that is bipartisan, and one that is aspirational.

In the history of our nation, we only experience job growth when we invest in our own people and in our own economy – in education, in scientific research, and in road and bridge building. To invest and to grow this economy and to grow jobs we have to do the kind of strategic investments that are required.

We need to get to work now to avoid this catastrophe. 

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