Schakowsky’s Statement on Fiscal Commission Co-Chairs’ Proposal to Address Deficit Reduction PDF Print


WASHINGTON, DC (November 10, 2010) – Today Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), one of 18 members on President Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, issued the following statement in response to the proposal from Co-Chairs Erskine Bowles and Sen. Alan Simpson.

“We can all agree that the fiscal path we are on is unsustainable and something must be done, but it certainly cannot be done on the backs of America’s elderly and disabled. Any proposal to cut SS or Medicare is a non-starter.

“The proposal by the two Co-Chairs of the Fiscal Commission cuts Social Security not only for future retirees, but also for current retirees by reducing their cost of living adjustment. It also raises the age for future beneficiaries to 69 years old. Experts say that as a result of these proposals, the numbers of seniors living in poverty will actually increase.

“Seniors have spent their working lives paying for these benefits and we owe them what was promised.

“Worsening the situation, the Co-Chairs propose to increase out-of-pocket costs for Medicare beneficiaries who already spend more than 30 percent of their income on healthcare.

“The gap between the rich and the middle class has never been greater in our country. These proposals will only make the situation worse.”

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