Schakowsky Statement on Haiti Earthquake PDF Print
WASHINGTON, DC (January 13, 2010) – Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-IL, released the following statement of support in the aftermath of the earthquake that has devastated Haiti.  Rep. Schakowsky has traveled to Haiti several times over the years to assist in the construction of medical clinics, building infrastructure, and increasing economic opportunity.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Haiti and their loved ones who are awaiting news from the areas affected by yesterday’s earthquake.  We mourn with those who lost family, friends, businesses, and homes in the disaster.

“Haiti has been the victim of poverty, violence, and natural disasters that plague its desire to build a prosperous future.  As always, the United States is prepared to do whatever is needed to help Haitians recover and start the work of rebuilding.”

The State Department Operations Center has set up the following number for Americans seeking information about family members in Haiti: 1-888-407-4747 (due to heavy volume, some callers may receive a recording). Our embassy is still in the early stages of contacting American Citizens through our Warden Network. Communications are very difficult within Haiti at this time.

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