
NY Congressmen to GOP Leaders: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, but Cuts to National Security Will Hurt New York City and Long Island Too

Posted on by Karina

On Friday night, House Republicans introduced an irresponsible and dangerous spending bill that cuts jobs, threatens American innovation, and diminishes investments in rebuilding America. Today, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed how these cuts would also impact our national security:

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday afternoon that the spending levels outlined by House Republicans late last week for the remainder of the fiscal year would endanger the country’s national security.

“The scope of the proposed House cuts is massive,” Clinton told reporters at a Capitol news conference after attending a luncheon meeting with House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). “The truth is that cuts of that level will be detrimental to America’s national security.”

Even House Republicans recognize that extreme and irresponsible proposed GOP spending cuts will put our nation at risk. Today, New York Republican Congressmen Peter King and Michael Grimm wrote Speaker Boehner to warn of the drastic impact these cuts will have, jeopardizing our national security and harming our economy at a time when we can least afford it. From the letter:

Most troubling is the $200 million cut in transit security grants. These transit grants are vital to protecting the millions of New Yorkers who use the subway and LIRR-Metro North commuter lines each day. Our region has been and continues to be the top terrorist target in the country and these deep cuts put the lives of our constituents at risk—especially since we know al-Qaeda’s history of attacking trains in London and Madrid.

Second, the continuing resolution makes severe cuts to various law enforcement programs including money for COPS Programs and State and Local Law Enforcement. It even terminates a COPS hiring program. Once again, we feel that these cuts are misguided and put at risk the safety and security of our communities which desperately need additional community policing programs and more law enforcement officers on the streets.

Next, the cuts of over $150 million to Amtrak will severely impact rail traffic in the Northeast Corridor. This corridor is vital to our economy and national security…

We ask you, therefore, to reconsider these cuts in light of their particular harmful effect on the NYC-LI region.

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