Legislation & Issues

Ronald Reagan quipped, “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases:  If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it.  And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

The 2010 budget, already passed by Congress, allows for several tax cuts to expire, keeps corporate and capital gains taxes at growth stifling levels and fails to prioritize how your tax dollars are spent. These policies will do little to improve our nation's economy. The federal government does not need more taxpayer dollars. Instead, the federal government needs to eliminate the $300 billion that it loses annually to waste, fraud, and abuse while cutting spending to responsible levels.

Additionally, our current tax code is far too complicated and needs to be replaced with a code that is fair and favorable toward saving and investing.  I am a cosponsor of the Fair Tax Act (S. 296) because I believe it to be far better than our present system.

Each year, Americans waste 7.6 billion hours on tax compliance, which now costs us nearly $200 billion annually, in order to comply with the 60,000-page tax code.  This complex tax code also translates into billions of dollars of annual expenses for individuals and business.  The system is broken and the Fair Tax is one alternative that will simplify and improve it.

As you may know, the Fair Tax would repeal the burdensome income tax and replace it with a national sales tax.  The Fair Tax also would jumpstart our economy by removing the 22 percent cost embedded in American made goods and services because of federal taxes.  These embedded costs put American goods at a disadvantage to the goods of almost every other country in the world, making American products less competitive overseas.

The Fair Tax will dramatically reduce prices for consumers, protect Social Security and Medicare and benefit low- and middle-income Americans. Families and individuals will be able to save more for homeownership, retirement, college education and any other expenses.

With these reforms, our country would see great economic growth and this generation would leave future generations with the greatest opportunity to succeed. 

Press Releases

October 2012
Date Title
10/15/12 Coburn Releases Annual Report Highlighting Some of the Most Wasteful Government Spending in 2012
10/9/12 WASTEBOOK 2012
August 2012
Date Title
8/2/12 Senates Chooses to Pay for Trade Bill with More Borrowing and Deferred Tax Increases Rather than Eliminating Duplication and Waste
8/1/12 Dr. Coburn Hosting Town Hall Meetings Across Oklahoma
June 2012
Date Title
6/27/12 Thousands of Tax Cheats Got Federal Mortgage Assistance or Tax Credits
6/13/12 The Administration's "Campaign to Cut Waste", One Year Later
6/6/12 Coburn Releases New Report on Unspent Federal Dollars
February 2012
Date Title
2/28/12 Sens. Coburn, Collins, & Lieberman Say Annual GAO Report Exposes More Duplication in the Federal Budget, Less Responsibility Coming Out of Washington
2/28/12 Senator Coburn to Testify at House Committee on Oversight and Governmental Reform Hearing Today on Annual GAO Report Addressing Duplication & Overlap in the Federal Government
January 2012
Date Title
1/30/12 Dr. Coburn to Host Town Hall Meeting in Edmond on Saturday, February 4th
December 2011
Date Title
12/17/11 Dr. Coburn Votes "No" on Omnibus Spending Bill
November 2011
Date Title
11/22/11 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Failure of the Super Committee
11/13/11 Dr. Coburn Releases Report Exposing Billions in Giveaways for Millionaires
October 2011
Date Title
10/5/11 Dr. Coburn Launches “Back in Black” Online Survey
September 2011
Date Title
9/8/11 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on President Obama’s Jobs Plan
July 2011
Date Title
7/25/11 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Breakdown in Debt Talks
7/18/11 Dr. Coburn Releases $9 Trillion Deficit Reduction Plan
June 2011
Date Title
6/22/11 Dr. Coburn Introduces Bill to Restore Constitutional Limitations on Congressional Power
April 2007
Date Title
4/16/07 Dr. Coburn Comments on Tax Day
June 2006
Date Title
6/8/06 Dr. Coburn Votes to Eliminate the Death Tax
May 2006
Date Title
5/17/06 Dr. Coburn's Statement on the Signing of Tax Relief into Law