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Meehan Tours Monroe Energy in Trainer, Applauds Progress

Trainer, PA – U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) today toured Monroe Energy LLC in Trainer and received an update on the facility, its refining capacity, and jobs created. Meehan’s visit comes three months after the announced sale of ConocoPhillips facility to Delta subsidiary Monroe Energy LLC. Monroe opened its’ doors again on June 25.

“Almost a year ago, we received the devastating news that the Trainer facility would shut down if they could not find a buyer,” said Meehan. “It is with great pleasure that we stand here today in a busy refinery filled with our skilled local workforce. They’re making incredible progress in positioning this facility for the future. I’m proud to have worked alongside Delta and our regional alliance to get where we are today.”

Meehan also highlighted the 300 full-time jobs and 1,000 contractor positions created at Monroe Energy.
