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Meehan Praises Joint Venture Announcement for Philadelphia Refinery

Hundreds of jobs saved, thousands more created with joint venture forming Philadelphia Energy Solutions

SPRINGFIELD, PA – U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) today issued the following statement regarding the announced joint venture between The Carlyle Group and Sunoco, Inc. to form Philadelphia Energy Solutions. This venture will keep the Philadelphia refinery operating and save 850 jobs and create hundreds of new, permanent jobs and thousands of construction jobs:

“Today’s announcement begins an exciting new chapter for the Philadelphia region and its workers. This partnership will save 850 jobs and create hundreds of new ones, as well as thousands of construction jobs. It will make the best use of a critical energy and infrastructure asset that we have in Philadelphia. The new venture has a far-reaching vision to refine oil and take advantage of the shale gas resources we have here in Pennsylvania. This is a vision that can grow and thrive well into the future.

“This is also an example of how tough public policy challenges can and should be addressed, where labor, business and government come together to solve problems and produce results. I commend the leaders of Sunoco and Carlyle, the Steelworkers and other labor groups, Governor Corbett, Congressman Brady and Mayor Nutter for their focus on our goal of keeping the Philadelphia refinery and our neighbors working.”
